Procession of the Soul

A Janei Ritual

The following is a rite derived from an older branch of Janei orthodoxy. Largely forgotten in contemporary times, it is now mainly the province of exorcists and magicians. The ritual describes the progress of the valen in an attempt to sympathetically assist the operator's own. It is primarily used to clarify the operator's soul and to provide existential support in situations of spiritual danger.


Calm your mind. If possible, perform a breath meditation for around 10 minutes. If facing immediate spiritual danger, omit the meditation.

Visualize your body fading away into a black void. Then imagine three structures of piercing light along the outline of your body; a crown upon your head, an amulet beneath your neck, and a girdle over your stomach. These are your illiae, kithringo, and urius respectively.

With your lithri unveiled, visualize your valen-aka walking forward. There should be a pinprick of light for which you are aiming. As you walk, say the following in a whisper.

The Soul walks

Unmediated, alone

The Soul walks

In company, with three sons

Oh Mind! Will! Wonder!

Do not let me perish, in these dark roads

In company I have known fear, cold, pain.

Yet in your company, we are as one

Please take me, to the home that is not home

My only joy

The Soul walks

While maintaining the visualization of movement, imagine sihlouettes of persons on either side of you. They should be basic, limited to the head, sparse of limbs, and on a somewhat lower plane than you. They should not reach to a height greater than your heart. If you are performing this ritual in response to an immediate, negative spiritual presence, you should imagine instead that you are approaching this presence. If a demon is visible in the material world, you should also physically approach their presence. Audibly chant the following.

The Soul walks free

Its heart cannot be harmed

The Soul walks bravely

It cannot fear

The Soul walks with joy

It cannot feel pain

No harm is. No fear is. No pain is.

None can harm me. None can perturb me. None can pain me.

You cannot be harmed. You cannot be perturbed. You cannot be pained.

Let us weave flowers at dawn and play at dusk.

I have no quarrel with you.

You shall have no quarrel with me.

Let us celebrate together at noon and bed together at night.

The Soul has no quarrels.

The Soul has no quarrels.

The Soul walks with friends.

The Soul walks with friends.

Visualize the shades fading away as the valen-aka continues its journey. As the walk continues, imagine the point of light in the distance gradually increase in size. Concurrently with this, imagine that one's lithri are growing brighter, until their form as objects becomes indistinct. The rate at which one imagines this can vary, but it should be done in accordance with how one's trance progresses. Eventually, one's valen-aka should become an amorphous, shapeless mass of light, having become the valen-iko. As you approach what should now be a wall of light, chant the following loudly.

I was never born

I will never die

My friends were never born

My friends shall never die

Legion, Sovereign

Unconditioned, I walk alone

I live in myself

I live without limits

I live without the world

There is no Earth, no Heaven

Beyond, I walk alone

I walk alone

I walk


As soon as you utter the final line, visualize yourself finally entering the white light. As soon as that is completed, immediately cease all imaginative activity and instead focus intuitively on utter Transcendence.

Thus goes the Procession of the Soul.