In the Union, natural reproduction stands as the norm for population replenishment, but the use of vatgrowth remains a definite tool employed by the state. These artificials are physically identical to the common natural specimen, and serve the Union in meeting demographic quotas effectively.
Persons grown from seedpods according to pre-defined genetic templates are known as artificials in the Union, as compared to naturals. This refers to their means of growth, and not their physiology. Artificials share the same general genetic structure as naturals, and can reproduce normally. Artificials possess a standard set of genefixes that have also largely filtered into the natural population over the centuries. Further, artificials are generally designed with traditional aesthetic features that nevertheless rotate over time as tastes change. Because of this, certain generations of artificials are identifiable by physical traits. Artificials are decanted at infancy, and apart from some social differences caused by their upbringing, mature normally.
Population and Usage
Artificials are typically produced when reproduction drops belows replacement levels in the Union. The rate of natural reproduction is usually relatively fixed, but cultural and economic trends can determine the degree of virtue to which the public ascribes rearing the next generation. Further, this "natural" rate is itself relatively low given the general lifestyle of the average Union citizen and the developmental process of the plantoid species. Long-term deficits in children as determined by the census are rectified by the planners of the Bureau of Welfare. From here, orders are sent out to various Lifesculpting installations to begin the production of the requisite amount of artificials. The planning is generally precise enough that the generation of artificials grows in precise tandem with anticipated shortages, thus avoiding the occurrence of almost all demographic crises. Most issues of population allocation in the Union arise from individuals simply not entering into the professions that they were anticipated to go into.
Upon the reception of an order from the Bureau of Welfare, a given Lifesculpting facility first draws up a plan for the bill's fulfillment. Generally this involves choosing which exact genetic template will be used. In most cases these will result in an average plantoid body functionally, but subtle changes (particularly in appearance) are chosen so as to avoid the appearance of mass production. Direct cloning is almost never used. Once the template is selected, stored genetic material is edited in accordance with the design, up to the number specified by the bill. A number of seedpods are then impregnated and the process of gestation begins. During this process, each seedpod is carefully monitored to ensure optimum development. All matters relating to the children's guardians are also finalized, and inexperienced applicants are trained. Immediately prior to decantation, it is traditional for the lifesculpting staff and personnel operating the pods to conduct a brief ritual, as this is the time which belief holds is the moment the soul enters the body. The relevant staff bow before the pod and swear to the person that they have provided them with a vessel free of any defects, in accordance with the Union drive towards excellence. Given their expertise, this oath is almost always true. After this brief custom, the decantation process begins, and the child is retrieved and cleaned up, traditionally by their new guardian(s). After a short medical and monitoring period, the artificial is taken home and begins their life in earnest.
Guardians and Parenthood of Artificials:
In the Union, guardianship of artificials is a task offered to applicants seeking children. As with any other position in the Union, such parenthood is a duty that the state gives preferential treatment in allocating. All would-be parents must first sign up for a registry for the next wave of artificials, and many such applicants are forwarded over from more traditional adoption and surrogacy agencies. In general, high-ranked individuals in the citizen bureaucracy and especially the Council are given greater preference as guardians, under the assumption that they have demonstrated competence. The other favored group are those who have already specialized in areas adjacent to or directly related to childcare, or those who have been sufficiently involved in such an area in a more informal manner. The last group considered are those with no meaningful experience in regards to parenthood whatsoever. Those in this group are occasionally chosen, especially after multiple "waves," though remedial education is administered when their selection has been finalized. Arrangement of education before actual selection can also improve the chance of being selected, as is often offered by the state. Most of the selection process is handled by the Bureau of Welfare, but on occasion members of the Council will directly intervene. This sort of action has surprising value, particularly for those in career-intensive positions or those who prefer to be unmarried. Often such a favor can be a reward for exceptional service, or something to be bargained for. All guardians ultimately chosen remain in close touch with the Bureau of Welfare, and access to a strong state-funded support network is established to provide the resources necessary for successful upraising. Most "hard" goods are generally expected to be provided by the guardian, whose economic power was carefully checked prior, but any service that can mitigate time-related problems, such as daycare or emergency babysitters, are provided. Further, counseling and matters related to education of the child are mediated by the state. It is customary for an artificial to be entrusted to only a single guardian, with the help of the state network being the "Steward Invisible." On occasion two guardians are given shared parenthood over children, but this is rare. In such situations, no romantic or sexual relationships are allowed between said parents, and this is enforced with fair scrutiny given the existing connection to the Bureau of Welfare. This cultural phenomenon is rooted to deepseated instincts in the plantoid mind regarding natural and artificial reproduction, and is largely respected by all in the Union.
The advent of artificials has led to some religious stances regarding parenthood for such individuals. In Janei, an artificial has no "parents" in the Wending to imprint inheritances upon the valen-aka. Thus, such an individual is considered a "blank slate" with no virtues or vices from the phenomenal universe to swing them forward or hold them back. In various solar and lunar religions, the chosen guardian is held to effectively be the child's parent, especially in eternalist animist positions where beings are held to incarnate in groups together. Being an eclectic magical tradition, there is no "official" position regarding the matter in Numinati, beyond the general sentiment that parenthood does not really matter (much as in Janei).
Cultural Views:
Physically, artificials are essentially socially invisible, and their legal status does not differ in any capacity from naturals. The preponderance of single parents and the support network of artificials does affect treatment by peers growing up, usually in subtle social ways and not in direct fascination or ostracization. There is a certain reputation regarding artificials being "helped" into certain schools or colleges, something that does carry notes of jealousy or judgment, given the emphasis on merit and diligence in Union culture. This is offset by the widely-known but unspoken fact that artificials are usually subtly directed into fields that population managers seek to be filled. In this way, there is some pity for those whose powers are directed to fit into an existing mold, rather than the general Union tactic of directing individuals towards areas where their talents would be of the most use. Even among those aware that they are being socially-engineered, this is considered something counter to the general way of things.